Seeing You Fully.
Quality Online & In-Person Therapy for Young Floridians
Psychologist in Miami
Spanish & English Services Available
Does it look easy to be this miserable?
It’s not like you are not trying.
What others do not understand is that your existence feels like navigating through quicksand… the more you try sometimes, the worse it feels – and the deeper you sink into sadness, anxiety, numbness, or despair.
How did it get this bad?
It is possible for someone older than you to “get it” (gasp).
Talking to your friends about your issues, even though some can relate, does not always offer the best solutions. In fact, you may wonder how they got this far.
Parents really try hard to understand. But their personal life stories just aren’t relatable; and, honestly, you just wanted a short answer.
It would also be nice to hear a different perspective.

What if… just hear me out…
….someone who knows what they are talking about gave you some feedback?
You are the expert in you.
I will try really hard not to tell you what to do.
Therapy only works if you are an active participant, and I need your input.
To Attend Therapy or Not to Attend
No one can force you to come to therapy. The choice needs to be yours.
What would it look like for you to make a 180-degree turn with your life? Or maybe only a few degrees of change? Could life become more doable, calm, or even enjoyable?
If it’s hard to imagine, that’s one good reason to come to therapy.

Is it ever going to get better?
When talking with family and friends isn’t working…
When trying to distract yourself on social media (although fun) leaves you feeling crappier…
When the problems in your relationships are complex…
When you notice a jumble of feelings you’ve been ignoring…
When doing school or work is miserable and you are not sure how you will ever “adult”…
When creating the future you want has taken a backseat to daily life…
… a good therapist can help.
Together, we can explore where you are and figure out how to get where you want to be.

Practical Help for Young Adults
Knowing how to manage your emotions, building meaningful relationships, doing well at work or school, and making effective decisions are NOT common sense!
Sure, some people make it look easy, BUT it rarely comes naturally to people without learning fundamental life skills first.
Therapy can help with those life skills, including:
- Tolerating frustration and failure
- Learning to express and manage emotions
- Navigating relationships effectively
- Resolving conflicts and making decisions you feel good about
The good news is that it is never too late to learn these skills!
I am ready to be that therapist for you.
You can breathe a little calmer knowing you can schedule a session at a time that works for you. Reach out for more information and to schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation.