New to Therapy

Pain is a part of life. Suffering doesn’t have to be.

Pain is natural, especially when BIG emotions keep hijacking your brain.

How urgent is it for you to change how you feel?

To change how you see yourself?

To create a life you’re proud of?

But how?

If you knew how to change your situation on your own, you’d have done it already.

So, you’re reaching out to try something different.

You walk through the office door and wonder, like many before you, “What am I doing here?”

“What am I getting myself into?!?!?”


It can be terrifying.

The thought of sharing your fears, concerns, and deepest secrets with a stranger.

But we’ve talked on the phone.

It felt, well, pretty good.

It was warm, collaborative, yet direct.

Cautious optimism.

As you and I weave together a plan for individual therapy, we’ll explore a variety of options for how to move forward.

It’s easy to feel paralyzed by the impossibility of doing things differently –

Especially when you’ve already tried “everything.”

You don’t have to figure it all out by yourself.

Sometimes, everybody needs some support navigating life’s major transitions.

Childhood – to adolescence – to adulthood.

I can be that therapist for you.

Everything is exactly as it needs to be.

You’re in the driver’s seat.

You get to determine the speed at which you begin to make changes –

Accepting a reality that you cannot change. Addressing a problem. Learning new coping skills.

Even when we take a break from creating change, we’re still working.

We’re “unpacking,” or exploring, your thoughts and feelings around the events that keep you stuck.

Getting Unstuck.

In therapy, we’ll tailor our work exclusively to you and your specific needs.

Loneliness? Confusion? Anxiety? Lack of direction?

The sense that nobody really “gets” you?

Activate your super powers.

Learn to use your strengths to generate change.

Stop judging yourself – and others – so harshly.

Develop your self-compassion.

Clean out what no longer serves you (Marie Kondo style).

Implement new skills that serve you and your goals.

How would life be different?

If you were more aware of, more in charge of, your thoughts – feelings – sensations – behaviors?

That’s easy. You’d unleash your own internal superhero!

Better at decision-making and much more independent.

Comfortable in your own skin. (Faults and all – no filters needed here!)

Able to manage stress and control emotions because you now know what to do.

Look!  In the mirror!

Yes, it’s the same YOU, just with a new perspective. You already have everything you need stored inside.

With powers and abilities beyond those you thought you were capable of.

The more “tuned-in” you.

Who understands that you’ll occasionally mess up as you grow and learn to #adult.

Who confidently explores your identity and shuns the need to compare yourself to others.

Who nurtures and maintains meaningful relationships.

Who knows what really inspires you to create and meet your long-term goals.

Take back control. Explore the possibilities. Live the life of your dreams.

There’s no need for a cookie-cutter life.

Realizing all that power can be scary. But it can also be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done.

Reach out. Let’s get started!

Schedule an Appointment